Advanced Stats - Set of integrated and automatic statistical reports andReport/Display Builder. (Staff Feature) Listing Input / Edit - Simple listing input, adding, and modifying listings,statistical reports, using tax integration, and using image submitter (Adminaccess) ePropertyWatch - A program that keeps you in touch with your clients. Homevaluation forecast, mortgage information, nearby trends and forecastanalytics. […]
50% of the market across the country are first-time home buyers. They are primarily Millennials and have a unique skill set and pre-conceptions about the home buying process. As home ownership rates have been declining, this course is designed to assist you to gain transactions and help family and friends purchase their first home. Don’t […]
It’s safe to say Social Media is here to stay and should be an integral part of every Realtor’s business. But many Realtors spend endless hours putting content out without receiving any direct new business from it. Others don’t know where to begin. The overall objective of this class is to define the true goal […]
This is a virtual Zoom course! You will receive the link to register for the course via Zoom after you register. Just imagine a Realtor® is in a situation where they want one thing, and their counterpart wants another. What to do? Challenge them to a duel? Although dueling days are past (whew!), there is […]
This is a virtual Zoom course! You will receive the link to register for the course via Zoom after you register. There is a lot of misinformation floating around about foreclosures. What is a foreclosure? What are the types of foreclosures?and what is recognized in Florida? When is the foreclosure process started? This course will […]