RAIRC is hosting the Annual Holiday Party. Hors d’oeuvres, beer & wine will be served. A kids table will be set up as well for gifted toys. Please plan to bring a NEW unwrapped toy for a boy or girl, age 5- 18 yrs of age. Toys may also be dropped off at the Association through December 3rd, during normal business hours. Gifts will be given to children in the Toys for Tots program. The Holiday Party is an appreciation party for Membership. This year, the party is open to membership, their family and or guest.
Reservation Deadline: Friday, November 30th (this is to ensure enough food/beverage for all in attendance).
Registration Fee: (Non-Members must be paid in advance, by registration deadline).
*Members: FREE (No registration after 11/30/18).
Family / Guest- 16 yrs & younger, $5 each;
Family / Guest- 17 yrs & older, $18 each