Public and Realtors MLS wireless Mobile App search for current listing details and photos, maps using GPS, Realist tax on IOS, iPad and Android mobile devices. (Training under Help)
How would you like to generate business from social media in under 15 minutes a day? Whether you are new or well versed to the world of social media & looking for a way to take it to the next level, this course teaches you why social media has become a force in business, how […]
In today's get it done now society electronic forms, signatures and storage are a must have. Florida Realtors Form Simplicity program meets all these requirements. Effective correspondence with clients is imperative. Form Simplicity will accomplish this via print, email, faxing, sharing and electronic signatures. This three hour course will take agents from blank agreements to […]
What do we never have enough of? Time! This basic, introductory course, will help you save time and become more efficient. Objectives: Find out what computer equipment as well as software requirements you need for the Form Simplicity program. Learn the time saving configurations of the various components within the Form Simplicity program. Keep your […]
You’ve heard the saying, “from soup to nuts,†well, this course is the real estate equivalent of that saying. From the moment, you go on a listing appointment to the writing of a sales contract for a customer, the entire transaction can be handled with Form Simplicity Objectives: Sign in to the blank forms library, […]
Lunch is provided by Catering Revolution and will be served at 12:15 PM The meeting is Called to Order at 12:30 PM Program: Announce 2020 Candidates for RAIRC Board of Directors Sponsor: TBA