Come join Caliber Home Loans at American Icon Brewery! Located at 1133 19th Place, Vero Beach, FL 32960 . There you'll find good food, drinks, prizes & FUN!
Basic MLS Training includes using MLS Resource links, adding search fields, hotsheets, field related controls, viewing, sorting, and filtering a list, and tack related controls.
Lunch is provided by Catering Revolution and will be served at 12:15PM. The meeting is Called to Order at 12:30PM. Program/Speaker: Eric Menger - Director of Vero Beach Airport Sponsor: Kim Ullrich & Greta Pierpoint w/Academy Mortgage
How would you like to generate business from social media in under 15 minutes a day? Whether you are new or well versed to the world of social media & looking for a way to take it to the next level, this course teaches you why social media has become a force in business, how […]
We can always rely on taxes as a constant in our lives. Another constant is that those taxes and their related laws are always subject to fluctuation, and this course will teach Realtors® about tax law changes that are currently in effect. It will also highlight changes to the tax laws as they affect real […]
We can always rely on taxes as a constant in our lives. Another constant is that those taxes and their related laws are always subject to fluctuation, and this course will teach Realtors® about tax law changes that are currently in effect. It will also highlight changes to the tax laws as they affect real […]